 학과소개 교수소개
기업재무, 파생상품, 투자론
무궁관 516호
Ph.D. in Management Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
B.S. in Management Engineering / Mathematical Science, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST)
주요 경력
Research assistant professor, Graduate School of Carbon Neutrality, UNIST
연구 분야
Climate finance, Carbon economy, ESG, ML/DL, Corporate finance, Investment
담당 교과목
Financial management (2023)
Financial Futures and Options (2023)
주요논문 및 저서
SCI/SSCI publications:

[10] "Carbon productivity and volatility" with Junyoup Lee and Chang-Keun Song, Finance Research letters, accepted
[9] "Effects of emission trading scheme (ETS) on change rate of carbon emission" with Chang-Keun Song, Scientific Reports, 13(1), 912.
[8] “Managerial perspectives on climate change and stock price crash risk” with Chang-Keun Song, Finance Research Letters, 51, 103410. [7] “Corporate Pledgeable Asset Ownership and Stock Price Crash Risk” with Junyoup Lee, Sanghak Choi and Sanggeum Wu, Financial Innovation, 8(1), 1-28.
[6] “Does early-life war exposure of a CEO enhance corporate information transparency?” with Sanghak Choi, Journal of Business Research, 136, 198-208.
[5] “Effects of emission trading schemes on corporate carbon productivity and implications for firm-level responses” with Seyeong Song, Young-Hwan Ahn, Ha Hwang and Chang-Keun Song, Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-10.
[4] “The effects of employee stock ownership on stock liquidity: Evidence from the Korean market” with Sanghak Choi, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Accepted
[3] “War-experienced CEOs and corporate policies: Evidence from the Korean war” with Daejin Kim and Sanghak Choi, Emerging Markets Review, Accepted
[2] “Effects of the litigation risk coverage on corporate social responsibility" with Sanghak Choi, Applied Economics Letters, (2020): 1-6
[1] “Director liability reduction and stock price crash risk: Evidence from Korea” with Sanghak Choi, International Review of Finance, Accepted
저널 논문
SCI/SSCI publications:

[15] "Carbon productivity and volatility" with Junyoup Lee and Chang-Keun Song, Finance Research letters, accepted
[14] "Effects of emission trading scheme (ETS) on change rate of carbon emission" with Chang-Keun Song, Scientific Reports, 13(1), 912.
[13] “Managerial perspectives on climate change and stock price crash risk” with Chang-Keun Song, Finance Research Letters, 51, 103410.
[12] "Application of YOLO and ResNet in Heat Staking Process Inspection" with Jeongjin Rhee, Sustainability, 14(23), 15892.
[11] “Corporate Pledgeable Asset Ownership and Stock Price Crash Risk” with Junyoup Lee, Sanghak Choi and Sanggeum Wu, Financial Innovation, 8(1), 1-28.
[10] “Does early-life war exposure of a CEO enhance corporate information transparency?” with Sanghak Choi, Journal of Business Research, 136, 198-208.
[9] “Can directors' liability reduction promote corporate innovation?” with Sanghak Choi, Managerial Finance, Accepted
[8] “Effects of emission trading schemes on corporate carbon productivity and implications for firm-level responses” with Seyeong Song, Young-Hwan Ahn, Ha Hwang and Chang-Keun Song, Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-10.
[7] “The effects of employee stock ownership on stock liquidity: Evidence from the Korean market” with Sanghak Choi, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, Accepted
[6] “National Tax Service Connection and Stock Price Crash Risk: Evidence from Korea” with Sanghak Choi, Annals of Economics and Finance, 22(1), 83-107.
[5] “Application of Machine Learning Techniques in Injection Molding Quality Prediction: Implications on Sustainable Manufacturing Industry” with Jinsu Jeon, Dahui Choi and Jung-Ywn Park, Sustainability, 13(8), 4120.
[4] “Carbon Emission Regulation, Green Boards, and Corporate Environmental Responsibility” with Seyeong Song and Chang-Keun Song, Sustainability, 13(8), 4463.
[3] “War-experienced CEOs and corporate policies: Evidence from the Korean war” with Daejin Kim and Sanghak Choi, Emerging Markets Review, Accepted
[2] “Effects of the litigation risk coverage on corporate social responsibility" with Sanghak Choi, Applied Economics Letters, (2020): 1-6
[1] “Director liability reduction and stock price crash risk: Evidence from Korea” with Sanghak Choi, International Review of Finance, Accepted
◾ Debt maturity and the marginal value of cash holdings, Finance Research Letters, 2024정하일
◾ Implications of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on South Korean industries: Challenges and policy recommendations, JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, vol.444, 2024정하일
◾ Reliable Anomaly Detection and Localization System: Implications on Manufacturing Industry, IEEE ACCESS, vol.11 pp.114613~114622, 2023정하일
◾ Carbon productivity and volatility, FINANCE RESEARCH LETTERS, vol.56, 2023정하일
International conferences:

[4] European Geosciences Union (2023)
[3] Financial Management Association (2022)
[2] Western Finance Association (2020)
[1] Financial Management Association (2020)
◾ 정지범, 탄소중립과 사회 전환, 저서, 979-11-973521-4-0, 울산과학기술원, 2023정하일
[5] 제조공정 데이터를 이용한 자가학습형 인공지능 플랫폼 (등록번호: 10-2528505)
[4] YOLO모델과 객체 추적 기법을 융합한 하이브리드형 열화상 이미지 기반 객체 탐지 방법 (등록번호: 10-2528507)
[3] AI 기반 제품 표면 검사 장치 및 방법 (등록번호: 10-2426829)
[2] 로봇을 이용한 AI비전 검사 시스템 (출원번호: 2022-014593)
[1] 열화상 이미지 기반 실시간 사람 탐지 방법 (출원번호: 2022-0170656)
[3] 동북아/한반도 대상 기후-대기환경 통합 및 상세화 과정 연구 개발 및 적용 (2022년 4월 - 2023년 5월)
[2] 에너지자원(석유,가스 등) 거래기술 전문가 고급 트랙 (2021년 1월 - 2021년 6월)
[1] 의사결정 이유를 설명할 수 있는 인간 수준의 학습-추론 프레임워크 개발 (2020년 1월 - 2021년 12월)
기타(학회활동 등)
Ad-hoc referee for:

[7] Journal of Business Research
[6] Scientific Reports
[5] Finance Research Letters
[4] Corporate Governance: An International Review
[3] The North American Journal of Economics and Finance
[2] Emerging Markets Finance and Trade
[1] Applied Economics
[01811] 서울 노원구 공릉로 232 서울과학기술대학교 미래융합대학 벤처경영학과
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